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1.How many member countries are in the Council of Europe?
  1. 47
  2. 48
  3. 49
  4. 50
2.Which THREE of the following were written by Shakespeare?
  1. A Midsummer Night's Dream
  2. Hamlet
  3. Macbeth
  4. Pride and Prejudice
3.Which THREE countries have 12 members in a jury?
  1. England
  2. Wales
  3. Scotland
  4. Northern Ireland
4.How many members are on the UN Security Council?
  1. 13
  2. 14
  3. 15
  4. 16
5.What were the TWO changes made by the Bill of Rights of 1689?
  1. It confirmed that Parliament was supreme
  2. King's power was reduced
  3. Election of a new Parliament every year
  4. King could raise tax without asking Parliament
6.Who was the first person to print books in England using a printing press?
  1. Alan Turing
  2. Sir Bernard Lovell
  3. Geoffrey Chaucer
  4. William Caxton
7. Which statement is CORRECT regarding a Youth Court in England?
  1. Members of the public are allowed in court
  2. The accused person's name can not be published in newspapers
  3. The accused person's photograph can be published by the media
  4. The case is normally heard in a Magistrates' Court
8.What was co-discovered by the Scottish physician and researcher John Macleod?
  1. DNA
  2. Vitamin A
  3. Insulin
  4. Harrier jet
9. How often a vehicle older than three years old has to be taken for Ministry of Transport (MOT) test?
  1. Once a year
  2. Twice a year
  3. Once every two years
  4. Once every three year
10.Why the year of 1972 is important in the history of Northern Ireland?
  1. Its Parliament was established
  2. Its Parliament was suspended
  3. Its Parliament was given more powers
  4. It had its first Parliament session
11.Who discovered the principle of gravity?
  1. Henry Purcell
  2. Richard Arkwright
  3. Isaac Newton
  4. Gustav Holst
12.What era followed the Bronze Age?
  1. The Stone Age
  2. The Iron Age
  3. The Gold Age
  4. The Silver Age
13.Which sport is associated with Andy Murray?
  1. Football
  2. Rugby
  3. Tennis
  4. Cricket
14. Around what percentage of the UK population live in England?
  1. 81%
  2. 82%
  3. 83%
  4. 84%
15.Which THREE countries are members of the Commonwealth?
  1. The USA
  2. The Gambia
  3. Malawi
  4. Malaysia
16.Persons aged 15 can drink alcohol with a meal in a restaurant
  1. True
  2. False
17.What is the minimum age to drive a car in the UK?
  1. 16
  2. 17
  3. 18
  4. 21
18.How old one must be to serve on a jury?
  1. Between 16 to 65
  2. Between 17 to 70
  3. Between 18 to 65
  4. Between 18 to 70
19.Which of the TWO are charity organisations?
  1. The Commonwealth
  2. The Age
  3. Shelter
  4. National Health Service
20.What is another name for the Magna Carta?
  1. The Book of Law
  2. The Charted Principles
  3. The Great Charter
  4. The Great Constitution
21.Which country did William of Orange come from?
  1. Germany
  2. Austria
  3. Sweden
  4. The Netherlands
22.Who painted the famous Dedham Vale painting?
  1. John Constable
  2. Thomas Gainsborough
  3. David Allan
  4. Joseph Turner
23.Which is the largest broadcasting company in the world?
  1. The BBC
  2. Channel 4
  3. Sky
  4. ITV
24. What animal is depicted on the flag of Wales?
  1. Red dragon
  2. Lion
  3. Sheep
  4. Deer
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